Travel Agent Licence ToD Options Financial Cover Ticket Issuing Systems Staff Training Application Process Rail Industry Commission FAQs

Ticket on Departure (ToD)

ToD is a facility which allows RDG Travel Agent Licence holders to book tickets, through their accredited Ticket Issuing System (TIS), for collection at participating rail stations.

Generally, all products currently available for travel agents to retail can be issued through ToD, although there are a few exceptions.

Ticket on Departure (ToD) Retailing Options

There are currently two ways in which a Travel Agent licence holder can issue ToD tickets;

  1. ToD under ToD Retailer (sales through a separate NLC) where the licence holder is billed on sale by the ToD retailer.
  2. ToD under Licence – (sales through the RDG Licence Code) where the licence holder is billed on issue by RDG.

Option 1 – ToD under ToD Retailer
The first option is for you to sell through another licensed ToD retailer. Examples of this, at the moment, are Evolvi Rail Systems and the Trainline. This option allows you to sell ToD through your RDG licence whilst allowing you to retain your ability to sell any non-ToD transactions through your existing licence.

This option will be of particular relevance to outlets that generate insufficient levels of rail business to justify a dedicated ToD licence on the grounds of cost or unwillingness to introduce significant change to current rail business processes.

One advantage, to the licence holder, of this arrangement is that they are not required to provide a ToD helpdesk as in this arrangement, it is the responsibility of the ToD Retailer.

In this situation, you would simply require an agreement with the registered ToD retailer for the provision of the ToD service.


Option 2 – ToD under Licence
The second option allows you to sell through your RDG Travel Agent licence with current commission levels applicable to ToD bookings. This option is really designed for rail retailers who generate significant levels of rail business.

Factors for consideration:

  • Financial Cover arrangements – The required level of financial cover, including ToD issues, will need to be in place prior to live operation.
  • ToD Code of Practice - The agent is required to make themselves aware of the contents and comply with these at all times.
  • Helpdesk facility - Agents are required to provide a Helpdesk to act as a single point of contact to handle all customer queries associated with sale and collection of their ToD transactions and non-ToD Transactions, and that of any of their sub agents.

       This Helpdesk must be available as follows except for Christmas Day;
             Monday – Friday 06.00hrs to 20.00hrs
             Saturday - Sunday 08.00hrs to 18.00hrs
             Bank Holidays 08.00hrs to 18.00hrs

  • ToD Selling Obligations - the Agent shall provide the customer with e-mail confirmation of the sale, and such confirmation shall comply with the requirements set out in Appendix B of the ToD side letter.
  • Please be aware that ToD sales are invoiced on issue and not sale therefore your supporting RSP transaction invoice will not include any uncollected ticket sales at any given period end date.
  • Separate commercial terms would apply with your Ticket Issuing System (TIS) supplier for the provision of this service, please contact them directly for more information.

This assumes your TIS is accredited by RSP for the provision of ToD functionality.

Rail Delivery Group Travel Agents Team